New season fruit trees and roses arrive!
New season fruit trees and roses have finally arrived! They were very late in coming in this year due to the dry Autumn and the lack of early winter rains but now they're here.
We have hundreds of bagged and bare-rooted fruit trees ready to go and ready to grow in your backyard orchard including heaps of varieties of both tall and dwarf apples, apricots, peaches, nectarines, plums, pears, cherries and more.
We also have a huge range of citrus, berries and other fruiting plants in stock.
Winter is the best time to plant deciduous fruit trees in your garden and even though we have lots they wont last long and once they're gone, they're gone until potted stock might come in spring.
New season roses have also started to arrive with lots of bush roses and climbers already in stock and more on the way. Just like the fruit trees, they've been late in arriving due to the lack of rain. Standard roses are a bit further behind but are also on their way and will be coming in in the next month or so.
Just like previous years we pot our roses straight away but keep them at a “bagged” winter price. Why? Because it’s better for the plant, which is better for you when you get them home.
Along with all the new season fruit trees and roses, we've had heaps of deciduous trees arrive including lots of ornamental pears, flowering plums, silver birch, colourful maples, weeping cherries, stunning ash, weeping mulberries and lots of other varieties of deciduous trees that will grow well in our climate and both provide you with shade in summer, colour in Autumn and light in winter.
To see the full range of fruit trees, roses and deciduous trees come in and check them out in store.