Leaf Curl- problem solved!
Anyone who has owned a Peach or Nectarine tree before will be familiar with curly, distorted leaves which are caused by the fungal disease Leaf Curl. Now the bad news is that if you don't spray preventatively for it every spring, its almost certain to affect your trees. The good news is that it's easy to stop it. Here's how...
To prevent Leaf Curl, a simple spray of copper based fungicide like Liquid Copper, Kocide or Copper oxychloride all over the dormant stems and branches is all it takes. The tricky part is getting the timing right. Spray just before flower buds start to open, which is called bud burst, just before you can see the pink of the petals starting to show. I find that a second spray 7-10 days afterwards gives even better results as does a spray at leaf fall in late Autumn.
Problem solved.
Leaf Curl only affects Peach and Nectarine trees so if you have curly leaves on other plants in your garden, it's not the same problem and often nothing to worry about.